Tony Roukema has been pastor of Ebenezer since 2016. Tony is originally from Michigan, but grew up in Ontario and British Columbia. He graduated from Trinity Western University in British Columbia in 1994, and worked for ten years in Michigan and Washington state before deciding to pursue the ministry in 2005. He served as a pastor in St. Albert, Alberta for six years and is enjoying where God has placed him in Burlington. He and his wife, Alisa, have been blessed with six children (and one son-in-law). Tony enjoys baseball, volleyball, cycling and basketball, as well as reading.
One of his favorite passages is Psalm 66:16 – “Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for my soul.” Tony has a passion for bringing home the gospel of God’s love in Jesus Christ. He loves to grow in this gospel, and enjoys seeing others coming to know and growing in Jesus Christ.