As followers of Jesus, we believe that Sunday worship is foundational for the Christian life. We host two services each Sunday at 9:30 AM and 3:00 PM.
We would love to have you visit us! Bring your family, as we provide child care during our services and a story hour is also available for children 3+ in the morning service.
As a faithful church here in Burlington, we invite you to attend our worship services to learn more about what the Bible teaches. For more information, feel free to peruse our website, or visit us and speak with our Pastor or Welcome Team. They would be more than happy to answer your questions or direct you to someone who can.
Going to a new place can be intimidating. The friendly people at Ebenezer will try to make it easier.
Here is some information that may help:
What to Expect Before the Service
Our service liturgy (order of worship) stems directly from the Biblical understanding of what it means to come together for worship. It involves congregational singing, prayer, scripture reading, and a sermon delivered by a pastor, who will also lead the service. What to Expect During the Service
After each service, the congregation spends some time socializing and getting to know and catch up with our fellow worshippers. Following the 9:30 AM service, a member has signed up to host visitors and members at their home for coffee, cake, and lunch. Their name will be announced off the pulpit before the service and they will be waiting at the bulletin board across from the main sanctuary entrance after the service. Again, feel free to ask a Welcome Team member if you are unable to find the host family. On the first Sunday of each month, we host everyone at Ebenezer in the Fellowship hall (follow the masses or ask the Welcome Team for directions) for coffee and cookies and a continued time of fellowship after the service. What to Expect After the Service
We look forward to seeing you this Sunday!