Zechariah's prayer is answered!
Gathering Song: Holy God, We Praise Your Name vs. 1-4
*Votum and Salutation
*Congregational Singing: Hymn 15: 1, 2, 3
Ten Words of the Covenant
Congregational Singing: Psalm 103: 4
Prayer for blessing
Scripture Reading: Luke 1:1-25
Congregational Singing: Psalm 116: 1, 4, 5
Text: Luke 1:13
Sermon: Zechariah's prayer is answered!
*Congregational Singing: Hymn 18: 1, 2, 3
Congregational Prayer
Offerings: Ministry of Mercy
*Congregational Singing:
Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus vs. 1, 2
*Three-fold Amen
Sunday, December 1, 2024 (Morning)
Rev. C. VanderVelde
- Luke 1:13
- Luke 1:1–25